Resources for new and continuing students. Start with First Things First.

Articles (16)

*1. First Things First: Prepare to Log into Your Penguin Portal Account

Follow the instructions to activate or reset your account detail to access the Penguin Portal, Blackboard and other YSU services.

*2. Where to Get Technology Help

IT provides three convenient locations to obtain assistance. The IT Service Desk is your first point of contact at (330) 941-1595.

Accessing the Penguin Portal (PC, Mac, Mobile)

Penguin Portal is Youngstown State University's campus portal. The portal offers students, faculty, and staff secure and personalized access to Office 365 email, Self-Service Banner, and channels of information. Students are able to register for classes, check their grades, pay their bill, access Blackboard, and purchase their parking permit. Faculty and Staff are able to view their pay stub, leave balances, tax information, plus much more.

Account: Reset An Expired/Forgotten Penguin Portal Account Password

This guide will walk you through how to reset an expired/forgotten Penguin Portal password.

Computer: Student Computer Recommendations

This article discusses computer recommendations for students.

Devices: Borrow equipment from IT Customer Services

IT Customer Services offers the a variety of devices for loan to YSU Students, Faculty, and Staff based on expressed needs and availability. We currently offer laptops, mobile hot spots and web cameras. This selection is subject to change based on demand. Items are made available on a first-come, first-served basis.

LinkedIn Learning: How Learners Access LinkedIn Learning

This article provides an overview and steps to log into LinkedIn Learning.

Microsoft 365: Accessing Microsoft Office Suite for Online Use

YSU Students and Faculty have access to Office 365 Online Apps.

OneDrive: Add OneDrive to a Personal Device

OneDrive is cloud-based storage available to all YSU students, faculty and staff. One TB of storage can be synced to your personal device. Learn more...

Online Learning: How to Succeed in an Online Learning Environment

This article provides resources and training on the various tools students will use during the virtual learning environment.

Penguin PASS: Student Instruction Guide

Penguin PASS produces an audit of your completed work, requirements and in progress courses based on your declared major, minor and/or program and catalog year. Audit worksheets cannot be used as an official transcript.

Phishing Alarm Button: Finding and Using the Phish Alarm

This article is designed to assist in utilizing the Phish Alarm through Outlook.

Printers: Student Printing FAQs

This article answers questions that students have regarding their print services and guidelines on campus.

Spring 2023 - Technology Hardware Recommendations

This is a list of recommended computers to purchase based off current standard laptops at YSU.