Teaching and Learning

Information pertaining to software and services used by faculty, advisors and students.

Categories (10)


Blackboard Learn is an application for online teaching, learning, community building, and knowledge sharing. Articles may include Blackboard Learn Original or Ultra Course Views. Ultra Experience articles include instructions for both Ultra and Original. Ultra includes articles specific to Ultra.

Classroom Technology

Learn to identify your room type and how to operate equipment in your room. Room types are Airtame, Airtame Touch and WebEx.


Resources for online course structure & content support. Under development.


Guidance on the use of classroom technology, university owned devices, and personal devices

Digital Accessibility

Create accessible documents, presentations and forms

Faculty and Staff Resources

Resources for faculty and staff.

Lab Hosted Software

Lab hosted software, YSU App Cloud, Azure, Lab Find App, and Remote Desktop Resources

Microsoft 365: Productivity Suite

Digital productivity tools from Microsoft Office (Bookings, Excel, Forms, OneDrive, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word), including Microsoft Teams.

Student Resources

Resources for students. Please also see the Teaching and Learning Category for additional information.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing programs that facilitate meetings, chat, phone, webinars, and online events.

Articles (5)

*How to use the Technology Support Portal

Learn more about the technology support portal, a self-help platform for users to find frequently asked questions, knowledge base articles, and submits service requests.

GeniusSIS: Create Account, Change Password, Login to YSU Skills Accelerator

Steps to Create an account, change your password and log into the YSU Skills Accelerator through GeniusSIS and Blackboard.

LinkedIn Learning: How Learners Access LinkedIn Learning

This article provides an overview and steps to log into LinkedIn Learning.

Print Management: Copyright and Fair Use of Intellectual Property

Appropriate use of the intellectual property of others may or may not be acceptable for the purposes you intend. Please understand guidelines before reproducing content.