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This article explains how to add a TA /GA to a Blackboard course.
Design your course through a student-centered lens by keeping your students’ perspectives front and center in your mind.
This article offers instruction on how to create an assignment in Blackboard.
This article offers a step-by-step guide on how to add course content to Blackboard.
This article explains how to create gradebook categories and how to assign assessment items to those categories.
This article provides instruction on how insert external links to Blackboard.
You can use learning modules in your course as containers for your content.
If possible, post all content (syllabus, readings, recorded lectures, links to outside sources, etc.) in your Blackboard course. Learn more...
Letting your students know your availability and how to reach you is necessary in a face-to-face setting, but even more so during remote learning.
Communicate with your students early and often.
When the transition is made to more virtual forms of instruction, whether it is only partially online or temporarily online, it is important to put some practices and “guardrails” in place to help students know what is expected of them in that environment.
To encourage learning within your course, consider implementing a Backward Design Model. This model starts with the end outcome in mind.
Quality online presentations are possible with the right preparation.