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Did you know you can upload videos to your Vidcast Library? You can import videos created using another application such as Camtasia or even videos that you've created on a mobile device.
This article provides directions on how to join a Webex meeting by audio only.
This article discusses importing Webex Meetings recorded on your Webex account to your Vidcast Library.
When recording a video in Vidcast, the default playback setting is 1.2x. This article discusses changing to 1.0 for traditional playback speed.
Webex offers a tool for managing your recordings. Learn how to access and navigate Vidcast.
This article provides resources and training on the various tools students will use during the virtual learning environment.
Learn how to use WebEx Teams and Meetings by downloading the attached instruction guides.
Webex provides options to control access and to limit the ability to download recorded sessions.
Classrooms of the Future, Webex Meetings, and Webex Teams enables YSU faculty and staff to continue providing students with high impact learning experiences beyond the classroom walls. Learn more and view the locations.
One hundred classrooms have been upgraded to Webex during the summer of 2022. Locate these spaces and learn about how to use them.
Use the wireless connection established between the Webex app and equipment when you are within close proximity to Cisco Webex equipment.
An HDMI connection port is available on the lectern; however, an HDMI cord may not be present.  Due to the portability of the cord, we ask that you bring your own HDMI cord.
This article explains how to connect to a Cisco Webex device if your computer does not automatically connect when you are in the room.
This article explains how to dial into a Zoom meeting from a Webex equipped room.
This article explains how to set up a Cisco Webex meeting from off campus.