Technology Training: Penguin Training Catalog

The Penguin Training Catalog provides a list of available trainings offered by the IT Training Services Team and Office of Cyberlearning.  Trainings are available throughout the year.  Departmental training or one on one consultations are also available upon.

View the Training Calendar to register for upcoming workshops. 

Click a title to navigate to a specific section of the catalog for course descriptions and details. 

Academic and Student Engagement Resources

25Live Event Management System
25Live Event Management System is used to add, change, and cancel courses.  It facilitates a workflow for approving requested changes and additions to classes.
Audience:  Academic Affairs, Program Directors, Chairs, Deans, Academic Operations Specialists, Office of the Registrar.

Barnes & Noble Adoptions and Insights Tool
Barnes & Noble Adoption & Insights Portal is a new course material adoption tool that provides chairs and administrative assistants the ability to easily manage and submit course material adoptions for each term.  The system contains course history for your departmental courses and faculty and provides the ability to quickly review, re-adopt, adopt new materials or indicate that no course materials are being used.  In addition, the tool has an Affordability Solution area that enables you to search for Open Educational Resources (OER) or order Course Packs. 
Audience: Faculty and Staff Responsible for Placing Book Orders

Penguin Portal
Learn how to access your class roster, find advisees, see your schedule of classes in Self Service Banner.  Learn how to mass email your classes using the detail class summary.
Audience: Faculty, Instructional Staff

CRM Advise: Advisor Console
Student advisement system designed to connect students with resources to facilitate academic success by communicating, serving, and following up.
Audience: Faculty, Faculty Advisers, Academic Support, and Affiliates

CRM Advise: Faculty Alert System
Student alert system designed to identify students who might benefit from academic support which may facilitate academic success.
Audience: Faculty

Student Engagement Resources

Beyond PowerPoint - Educational Tools
Explore various educational technology tools that you can employ in your classroom that go beyond PowerPoint.  Discover new ways to provide feedback, assess understanding, projects, and help students become more comfortable sharing in the various modalities.We will look at the following tools and experiences in the following categories:

Engaging Students:

  • Using Ice Breakers Virtually
  • Creating an Avatar Classroom for use with Ice Breakers or Discussions.
  • Slido - Polls, Surveys, Q&A

Assessing Understanding:  

  • PowerPoint Jeopardy
  • Slido - University enterprise account

Storage and Collaboration:

  • Blackboard
  • OneDrive and Office 365
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Webex Teams

Project Tools: Free Trial Versions

  • Flipboard
  • Padlet

Video & Audio Feedback:

  • FlipGrid
  • Microsoft Stream
  • Vidcast

Audience: Faculty, Instructional Staff

Digital File Management 
Real time collaboration, increased productivity, and environmentally sound are all reasons to learn best practices in becoming digitally organized. This workshop will provide you with tools to collaborate with your departments using Microsoft One Drive, Office 365, Teams or Sharepoint, understand where to store documents, take minutes or notes using One Note, and suggested best practices for organized document and file structures.  Workshop Titles:  The Power of One: OneDrive and One Note; Network Storage: Best Practices to Store Everything
Audience: Faculty, Staff,

Instructional Video Media
Including videos in your you can enhance a student’s understanding of concepts, provide personalization, and demonstrate skill sets.  In this workshop we will look at best practices of using video, go through each phase of video production including; pre-production, production, and post production and learn how to link your videos to your courses in Blackboard.
Audience: Faculty, Staff

LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning curates a wide variety of engaging videos and tutorials that feature expert instructors.  Courses cover thousands of technology, business and creative skills.  Use this University wide resource to assist in flipping your classroom, assign homework or develop your own personal skills.  
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Technology Tools and Tips for the Classroom
This workshop provides instruction on using various types of technology tools and tips that can assist you in your face to face, hybrid, or virtual classrooms. 
By then end of the workshop you will be able to:

  • Use Webex or Microsoft Teams for synchronous learning sessions.
  • Capture a lecture using Webex LTI in Blackboard.
  • Understand how to create an interactive video using Microsoft Stream and Microsoft Forms.
  • Create an avatar classroom for student engagement using PowerPoint.
  • Set up collaboration spaces using breakout rooms and Office 365.

Audience: Faculty, Instructional Staff



YSU is committed to providing accessible electronic content to all of the YSU community.

Accessibility Overview
Accessibility Overview will explain requirements for creating accessible online content and introduce techniques to review your content using the Accessibility Checker in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint or Ally for Blackboard.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Create an Accessible Word Document
Participants will understand how to create features in documents which are readable by assistive technology screen readers. You will learn alternate methods to communicate visual elements in a document.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Create Accessible Power Points
Learn how to create accessible PowerPoint content that is easily readable by an assistive technology screen reader.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Create Accessible PDFs
Learn how to create accessible PDFs that are easily readable by a screen reader.
Audience: Faculty, Staff



Adobe Fillable Forms
PDF Fillable forms are easy to fill out on the computer, easy to read and provides the ability to process the information faster and are accessible.  Learn how to convert your forms to a fillable PDF and allow for electronic signatures.
Audience: Faculty, Staff,

Banner and Banner Related Tools

Banner Admin Pages Navigation
Explore the structure and features to navigate within Banner 9.   We do not discuss role/job specific pages.
Topics include:

  • Navigating through various pages using the Application Navigator menu;
  • Examining Related information and Tools options;
  • Searching for records and using validation lists;
  • Creating and removing records; 
  • Submitting jobs and retrieving output

Audience: Business Support Specialists, Staff

Banner Academic Registration Overrides
Authorized persons can override registration restrictions or give special registration approvals.  Perform overrides using Banner 9.
Audience: Faculty Advisers, Staff Advisers, Academic Operations Specialists

Banner Document Management
Explore the updated Banner Document Management web-based interface.  Understand the process of indexing the documents to a single id or as a batch.
Audience: Staff

Banner Event Schedulers and Supporters
Explore the structure of and features within Banner 9 for Event Schedulers.
Topics include:

  • Navigating through various pages using the Application Navigator menu;
  • Examining Related information and Tools options;
  • Searching for records and using validation lists;
  • Creating and removing records; 
  • Submitting jobs and retrieving output.

Audience: Event Schedulers and Supporters

Faculty Load and Compensation (FLAC) for Instructional & Non-Instructional Assignments in Banner
FLAC Instructional and Non-instructional Assignments in Banner is used to document instructional and non-teaching duties.  Deans, chairs, and academic administrative assistants are encouraged to learn this new process.
Audience: Deans, Chairs, Academic Operations Specialists

Banner Self Service-Finance
Learn to utilize the Finance Tab tools within Self-Service Banner, understand your budget, and make budget transfers within your FOAP.
Audience: Deans, Chairs, Business Support Specialists, Faculty with Grants, Staff

Banner Self Service-New Employee Profile
Explore the new interface of the employee profile and understand how to navigate entering time, leave report and view paystubs, tax forms, and more.
Audience: Faculty, Staff



Blackboard Ultra Basics
In this 45-minute session, you will learn how to access and navigate a Blackboard Ultra course, add a syllabus and other files, and create an assignment. This webinar is geared towards new users of Blackboard or users looking to upgrade from Blackboard Original. Blackboard Ultra is Blackboard’s newest course view which provides improved workflows and an updated interface to better support teaching and learning.
Audience: Faculty, Staff Providing Instruction

Blackboard Ultra Gradebook Overview
The Blackboard Ultra Course Gradebook session will focus on setting up and managing your grades for the course.
Audience: Faculty, Staff Providing Instruction

Blackboard Ultra Exceptional Course Showcase & Overview
Ever wonder what an exemplary online course looks like? Join Cyberlearning to learn about online course design best practices and get ideas for your own classes by seeing your colleague's examples!
Audience: Faculty, Staff Providing Instruction

Techniques for Improving Online Discussions
Discussion boards in an online learning environment can lead to improved learning outcomes and increased student motivation. This session will explore strategies for using discussion boards to enhance student interaction. We will introduce ideas and examples for discussion board prompts, questions, and usage outside of the typical “post once, reply twice” model.
Audience: Faculty, Staff Providing Instruction

Preparing to Teach Online
Preparing to Teach Online at YSU is a self-paced course taught in Blackboard Ultra.  The course is designed to help YSU faculty prepare to develop and teach their first fully online classes.  Successful completion means that you meet the training requirements for developing and teaching an online course at YSU.  Enrollment is not limited to those who are new to the online experience or those who haven't met the training requirement.  You're encouraged to sign up as a DE refresher or as an opportunity to engage with discussions about best practices for the online environment.  Estimated time to complete is 8 hours.
Audience: Faculty, Staff Providing Instruction

Microsoft 365

Introduction to Windows 11
This is a great introduction for individuals upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11.  Learn how to sign in, locate and activate apps and view files. 
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Microsoft Bookings
Learn how Microsoft Bookings, a web-based booking calendar, makes scheduling and managing appointments easier and integrates with Microsoft Outlook and Office 365.  Bookings can be created to assist with various situations and needs of a department.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Microsoft Forms
Microsoft Forms is a member of the Office 365 solution that provides you with the ability to collect basic data of any type.  Examples include graduating student exit interviews, equipment reservations, quizzes, and more.  Results can be viewed as data comes in and data entry is automatic.  Completion of this workshop will enable you to create a Microsoft Form for use, be able to distribute it to your constituents, and review the data.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Microsoft Office Suite
Overview of the Microsoft Office Suite Products including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.  Training can be offered on specialized topics within each of these products.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Power BI - Penguin Intelligence Pregame 
Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence (BI) platform that helps users analyze, visualize, and share data. Learn about the YSU's dashboards in the Pregame workshop.
Audience: Faculty and Staff

Power of One: Using OneDrive and OneNote
Microsoft OneNote and OneDrive have the power to assist you in reducing paper usage, becoming digitally organized, and collaborating in real time with your faculty, staff, or students.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Microsoft Stream
Microsoft Stream is an online protected video storage and streaming service.  This workshop will focus and instruct how to upload video content, organize it into channels or groups, set permissions for viewing and view and edit the transcript.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students


Video Conferencing Tools

Microsoft Teams for the Office
Microsoft Teams is a productivity tool for communication, collaboration, and organization.

Administrative participants will learn how to:

  • Create a Team for collaboration
  • Schedule meetings 
  • Connect with colleagues using web conferencing, calls and screen sharing
  • Record meetings
  • Share files with group

Audience: Faculty, Staff,

Microsoft Teams for the Classroom
Microsoft Teams is a productivity tool for communication, collaboration, and organization.  It can be used for the classroom and the office.
Academic participants will learn how to:

  • Create a Team for a class
  • Connect with students using web conferencing
  • Record lectures or group meetings
  • Assign group meeting space for student collaboration
  • Distribute course material, create assignments and quizzes

Audience: Faculty, Instructional Staff

Webex Meetings and Teams

Webex Meetings is a video conferencing tool that allows you to meet synchronously online with your students. During the meeting you can share content, create a poll, and annotate your screen.  Meetings will record the session, create a transcript of the session and the recordings can be linked, downloaded, and shared with your students.

You can also use Webex Meetings as a lecture capture tool to record your lecture and share with students.

Webex Teams is a shared collaborative teams space where you can create spaces for group projects, message students, upload files, schedule office hours, start meetings and whiteboard.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Webex Breakout Sessions
Learn how to use Breakout Sessions in Webex Meetings for small group activities and discussions and learn how to use O365 to provide ways for the breakout groups to work real time on a document.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Webex Classroom of the Future
The Webex Classroom of the Future, generously donated by Dr. and Mrs Kohli in honor of their late son, provides a great way to hold classes or meetings with participants face to face in the classroom, and remote. Join us to explore connecting to the system and hosting calls via Webex or Zoom.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Webex Classroom Series

Four courses to prepare you to use Webex in any course modality: Getting Started – Set up account, familiarize yourself with space and application.  Webex Education Connector – Connect your Bb course for automatic recordings and virtual office hours. Engaging Students -  Use immersive share, polls and reactions to engage your students. Key Practices for Recordings and Meeting Insights – Establish recording settings, use the Education Connector to record micro lectures directly into your course, and review participant statistics.
Audience: Faculty, Staff

Webex Events
Webex Events provides a platform for hosting large scale webinars or virtual events.  This workshop will walk you through setup, registration, and best practices for hosting large scale events in Webex.

Webex LTI
The Webex LTI is a Blackboard tool that allows faculty to record lectures and host virtual office hours. When enabled by faculty, students may attend class sessions virtually, participate virtually, access recordings, and schedule office hours.
Audience: Faculty

How to Host a Virtual Conference
Learn how to host a virtual conference using Webex Event or Training. Webinars including tips and best practices for an immersive and collaborative experience.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students


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Related Services / Offerings (1)

ITS Training Services offers a wide variety of technology related workshops and self-paced courses to help you master new skills.