File storage options using One Drive, Share Drives and Personal Drives

Categories (1)


A file hosting service that allows access from any device, anywhere.

Articles (9)

Data Management: How to Back Up Data from a YSU computer to a (Y:) Drive

This guide will walk you through how to back up your personal locally stored data on a YSU computer to your (Y:) Network Shared drive on a Windows 10 device.

Data Management: How to Map a Network Share Drive in Windows 10

This guide will walk you through how to map your YSU network shared drive.

Data Management: How to Map a Shared Drive on Mac OSX

This article explains how to map a shared drive using Mac OSX.

Data Management: Options for Data Storage

YSU offers a variety of data storage options.  One must consider the nature of the data, whether collaboration is necessary, and if retention policies apply to the data maintained.

File Storage: Migrating Data from "Y" Drive to OneDrive

Use this article to ensure data is backed up using Youngstown State University resources.

File Storage: Stop Syncing Teams and SharePoint Files & Remove Document Library (Mac)

YSU is opting to remove synced SharePoint and Teams files and replacing them with file shortcuts instead.

File Storage: Stop Syncing Teams and SharePoint Files & Remove Document Library (PC)

YSU is opting to remove synced SharePoint and Teams files and replacing them with file shortcuts instead.

Microsoft: Cloud Storage Security Statements for FERPA, HIPAA, and PCI DSS

Security is of top of mind as it relates to data storage. Microsoft offers solutions which meet the requirements for FERPA, HIPAA, HITECH, and PCI-DSS. The statements are excerpts from full discussions of compliance explained on the Microsoft Compliance website.