Data Management: How to Map a Shared Drive on Mac OSX


How do I map a network drive on Mac OSX?


This guide will walk you through how to map your YSU network shared drive on a Mac OSX computer 
Please note: The instructions for mapping a network shared drive differs between students and faculty/staff. 

If this is a YSU Computer, please try restarting the machine and the drive should map automatically. 

Faculty/Staff Instruction:

Follow the steps below to map a shared drive on a Mac OSX computer:

  1. Select Connect to Server under the Go menu in Finder. In the Server Address box, enter the path of your personal "Y" drive (without quotes) as “smb://ysu.local/dfs/homeshare/yourusername"
  2. If you are mapping a departmental share drive, please use these examples as they pertain to the specific share you are trying to add.

          For Bucket Drives: "smb://bucket.ysu.local/S_example_drive" 

          For Vault Drives: "smb://vault.ysu.local/S_example_drive"

  1. Be sure that the Connect as Registered User button is selected in the window that appears.
  2. Enter your directory account name prefixed with “YSU\” without quotes. For example, YSU\jmsmith.
  3. Enter your directory account password.

Student Instruction:

Students should use OneDrive to store files.  Please see our related article "Upload and save files and folders to OneDrive."

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