Information about software on YSU computers

Categories (9)

Adobe Software

Adobe Software, specifically Adobe Creative Cloud and Apps.


Blackboard Learn is an application for online teaching, learning, community building, and knowledge sharing. Articles may include Blackboard Learn Original or Ultra Course Views. Ultra Experience articles include instructions for both Ultra and Original. Ultra includes articles specific to Ultra.


Canva is an online graphic design tool that can be used to create social media posts, presentations, posters, and more!

Lab Hosted Software

Lab hosted software, YSU App Cloud, Azure, Lab Find App, and Remote Desktop Resources

Microsoft 365: Productivity Suite

Digital productivity tools from Microsoft Office (Bookings, Excel, Forms, OneDrive, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word), including Microsoft Teams.

Web Browsers

Web Browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing programs that facilitate meetings, chat, phone, webinars, and online events.


Slido is an audience polling system which can be used with mobile devices or computers connected to the Internet. Slido creates a QR code or website where an active poll can be joined if the event number and passcode are shared.

Microsoft Windows

Information regarding setup & usage of Microsoft Windows. Windows is the primary operating system used on campus.

Articles (5)

Admin Access: Make Me Admin on Local Computer

This article explains how to use Make Me Admin after it has been installed.

Standard Software on YSU Owned Apple Computers

List of software installed on YSU Owned Apple Computers

Video Editing

YSU offers access to Adobe Premiere Rush for video editing. Trimming is a video editing process used to remove the beginning and/or end of a recording.

Site Licensed YSU Software

YSU site license software list