A file hosting service that allows access from any device, anywhere.
Use the OneDrive Pocket Guide to become familiar with the layout and functions available in OneDrive.
Using your YSU OneDrive to turn in assignments in Blackboard.
This shows students how they can download OneDrive to Android devices and how to create and use a folder.
OneDrive is available through online applications found inside your Office 365 account.
OneDrive is cloud-based storage available to all YSU students, faculty and staff. One TB of storage can be synced to your personal device. Learn more...
OneDrive is cloud based storage which enables users to manage data and collaboration on the web.
This article explains how to access your OneDrive in the YSU App Cloud.
OneDrive enables users to share and access data in the cloud. Learn more about OneDrive.
This article details how to share documents and files in OneDrive.
Upload and save files and folders to OneDrive in your browser, on your desktop or in your productivity software.