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Reset an expired/forgotten YSU Penguin Portal account password here.

Get assistance activating a new YSU Penguin Portal account here.

Assistance changing a non-expired YSU Penguin Portal account password.

IT Customer Services offers the a variety of devices for loan to YSU Students, Faculty, and Staff based on expressed needs and availability. We currently offer laptops, mobile hot spots and web cameras.  This selection is subject to change based on demand.  A service fee may be assessed. Items are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Equipment borrowed from YSU must be returned by the end of the semester in which the device was borrowed. Due to COVID-19, all returns are by appointment only. Please complete the service request to begin the process of returning the borrowed device.

Report an issue and/or problem in CRM Advise.

Report an issue and/or problem in CRM Advance.

Request Software Installation

This service is for a computer replacement for a device enrolled in the Computer Refresh Initiative Program.

As YSU’s Digital Transformation project continues, one of the biggest components of the project is to move storage from  network drives (Y-Drive) and campus shared drives to Microsoft’s Cloud-Based Storage Environment. As we continue to move forward, there will be an eventual phase out of your personal Y-Drive and department shared drives beginning  May 2023.  This Service creates a request for assistance in moving your data to either OneDrive, MS Teams, or Stream.

ITS Training Services offers a wide variety of technology related workshops and self-paced courses to help you master new skills.