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Information on how to access Adobe Creative Cloud for student personal devices who are in specific courses which require access.
YSU Students and Faculty have access to Office 365 Online Apps.
New Windows laptops often come in S Mode by default. S Mode prohibits users from downloading software outside the Microsoft Store. This can be a pain due to the programs we use here at YSU (e.g., Respondus Lockdown Browser). Luckily, you can turn S Mode off!
Some students may need to use a virtual machine for a class and UTM allows these to be used on MacOS systems
This document provides instruction on how the access the YSU App Cloud. The YSU App Cloud provides access to the virtual software previously used in the YSU computer labs.
List of Lab Locations, Computer Counts, Owning Department and Installed Software.
This article explains how to download hundreds of Microsoft applications for your personal device.
This article provides resources and training on the various tools students will use during the virtual learning environment.
This guide describes how to install and activate MATLAB software onto students' personal computers.
YSU site license software list
List of software which can be installed remotely over the network
List of software installed on YSU Owned Apple Computers
This article offers advice for succeeding in an online teaching environment.