Lab Locations and Installed Software


How do I find computer lab locations and what software is installed in them?


The links below provide the following information:

  • Lab location
  • Number of computers in the lab
  • Department responsible for the lab
  • Specialized software installed on the lab computers. 

All YSU computers have a list of core software installed which is not listed below: YSU Standard Software

Beeghly Hall

Beeghly Hall 3310

Bliss Hall

Bliss 0005
Bliss 3142
Bliss 4047
Bliss 4023
Bliss 4057

Cushwa Hall

Cushwa 1202
Cushwa 1309
Cushwa 1319
Cushwa 3161

DeBartolo Hall

Debartolo 207
Debartolo 250
Debartolo 251
Debartolo 422
Debartolo 558
Debartolo 561

Kilcawley Center

Kilcawley Center 2052

Cafaro Hall

Cafaro 214

Maag Library

Maag 179
Maag 206

Meshel Hall

Meshel 115
Meshel 116
Meshel 306
Meshel 350

Moser Hall

Moser 0078
Moser 2380
Moser 2390
Moser 2395
Moser 3010
Moser 3020
Moser 3030
Moser 3040
Moser 3100
Moser 3150
Moser 4200

Stambaugh Stadium

Stambaugh 1097

Veterans Resource Center

Veterans Resource Center 1102

Ward Beecher Hall

Ward Beecher 2010
Ward Beecher 3048
Ward Beecher 3030
Ward Beecher 5043
Ward Beecher 6035
Ward Beecher 6037

Williamson Hall

Williamson 1108
Williamson 1110

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