Microsoft Teams: Breakout Rooms


How do you use Breakout Rooms in MS Teams


Expected Outcomes

  • Work on Group Projects
  • Connect with Each Other


NOTE:  Teams does not auto assign breakout members.  You are responsible for determining groups and adding individuals to any breakout group (channel).

A. Create a channel for breakout groups

  1. Start with a Team / Class you already created.
  2. Click the More options ... near the Team / Class title to create a new channel
      More options list
  3. Click Add channel then name the channel
    Name channel
  4. Add members to each channel (Teams does not auto assign.)
  5. Repeat actions for each breakout group needed.

B.  Visit group meetings to check progress

  1. Click the name of the channel to join the channel
  2. Click Meet Now meet now icon in the controls located on the bottom of the page to join the discussion.
  3. Use the play/pause button to move from one breakout to the another.
  4. Use the red phone icon to leave the breakout session.

C.  Additional Resources


Video tutorial How to Use Breakout Rooms by Kevin Stratvert, Microsoft Employee

Stratvert, K, (May 19, 2020), How to use Breakout Rooms in Microsoft Teams,

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