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    Article discussing moving files or folders to another channel or Team in Microsoft Teams.
    Before the virtual meeting starts when using a Mac, we recommend that you ensure that your system settings will allow your browser to screen share.
    There may be times when you need to collaborate with YSU users that do not belong to your team. This article explains how to setup a channel that can be shared with an individual(s) or another team.
    Microsoft Teams is a digital hub that brings conversations, content, assignments, and apps together in one place, letting educators create vibrant learning environments. Build collaborative classrooms, connect in professional learning communities, and connect with colleagues – all from a single experience.
    Breakout rooms are useful for group projects or work team collaborations.
    Shortcuts enable files or folders available in Teams or SharePoint to be listed among your One Drive files and folders displayed in File Explorer or Locations.
    Add Bookings in Teams to view appointments for you and your department!
    This article details how to open Microsoft Office native files (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) from Teams in your local desktop installation of Microsoft Office.
    Connection considerations when working in the Microsoft Teams environment.