Guest Account: Request Guest Account


A Guest account (also known as a "non-patron" account) can be requested by a YSU Faculty or Staff member (known as the "sponsor") to grant individuals access to YSU systems.  Examples of guests include, but are not limited to, consultants, contractors, guest speakers, or students visiting from other universities.

**Please submit a request at least 2 weeks in advance of the guest arriving on campus**

Shared generic guest accounts are permitted but must be approved for use by ITS Security. Please note the request of a shared guest account in the ‘Non-Patron Requested Services’ section in the ticket template.

To request a guest account:

Please click the Request Service button to request a guest (non-patron) account and complete the required information contained on the form. 

**You must submit a separate request for each guest that requires access to YSU systems**

Additional assistance:

Need further assistance? Contact the YSU Service Desk:

Phone - 330-941-1595
Email -

Request Service

Related Articles (1)

This guide will walk you through requesting a guest account for non-YSU students, faculty, or staff members.

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