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    This article compiles all the information about last years TechTalks in 2024. Highlights all the technology services that are available at Youngstown State University, as well as learning about online safety.
    Activity Stream is your tailored educational newsfeed that helps you stay in the know regarding your coursework, grades, and instructor notes!
    Your student profile is your student data including your name, YSU student email address, YSU student ID number, and an optional nickname. You can also find preferred language, privacy, and notification setting controls.
    Use your YSU student email to create an account and begin using Canva!
    Group work is effective in that it builds community, teaches students to work cooperatively, and fosters an appreciation of diverse viewpoints. Collaborative learning is empirically linked to student engagement, and ultimately learning and success (NSSE).
    Communicate with your students early and often.