How do I request the activation of a port?
- Navigate to the Network: Activate Port service on the Technology Support Portal.
- Click Request Service (typically located on the right side of the page)
- Sign in with your YSU Penguin Portal user name and password if prompted.You will then be prompted to complete the following information:
- Requestor: Enter the name of the person requesting assistance. This field will auto complete with your information if you are logged in with your account.
- Department: Enter the department associated with the person requesting assistance. This should only be changed if you have a dual role (e.g. student and student employee for a department).
- Building: Enter the building where the network port is needed.
- Room: Enter the room where the network port is needed.
- Network Device Type: Select PC/Mac, Printer, Lab PC, or Phone.
- Technology Service (TS) Tag Number: Enter the Technology Services (TS) tag number of the associated YSU equipment.
- Network Port ID: Enter the ID; the description is located on the wall plate of the jack that needs activated (ex.0804A2B02). If there is no description, a network service technician will come to the location and identify the jack description.
- Description: Enter any additional information relevant to the request, such as the location where the network port needs to be activated. For example: “the north side of the room” or “the left side of the door.”
- Attachment: Click Browse to attach any file(s) relevant to the request. This can include spreadsheets, documents, screenshots, etc.
- Once you have completed the form, click Request at the bottom of the page.
If you need more assistance, contact the YSU Service Desk at 330-941-1595 or at