How do I download video content from Collaborate?
Blackboard Collaborate will be discontinued at YSU. Please download your Collaborate content and move it to another video hosting platform.
Please identify the original course shell of the recording prior to following the steps below. Open a Service Ticket to restore the course if it has been archived.
Navigate to the Blackboard course that contains your Collaborate recording.
Under Details & Actions, click the 3 dots next to Class Collaborate and select View all recordings. 
On the screen showing your recordings, browse through your recordings.
Once you find the recording you want to download, click the Recording Options button (3 dots) to the right of the recording, and then click on Download. Depending on your settings, your web browser will download to your designated download location or prompt you to save to a location on your computer. Either way, the file will be saved as an mp4 and identified as “Blackboard Collaborate Recording” with the date/time of the recording in the file name.