- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Student Resources
This article provides resources and training on the various tools students will use during the virtual learning environment.
- Knowledge Base
- Applications & Software
- Software
- Video Conferencing
- Blackboard Collaborate
Please move Collaborate content to another video hosting platform.
- Knowledge Base
- Applications & Software
- Software
- Video Conferencing
- Blackboard Collaborate
Information on how to use Microsoft Stream to host your Blackboard Collaborate Ultra recordings.
- Knowledge Base
- Applications & Software
- Software
- Video Conferencing
- Blackboard Collaborate
Blackboard Collaborate is a web-conferencing tool built specifically for live, multimedia, many-to-many collaboration using voice over internet (VoIP) audio; live webcams; breakout rooms for small group discussions; interactive whiteboards that let you show PowerPoint presentations; chat-style messaging; and screen sharing. Blackboard Collaborate will sunset on December 31, 2024.