Blackboard: Request Course Restoration from Archives

Who can use it?

Users who have been assigned the Instructor Role in a Blackboard SIS Course, IT Security, Blackboard Administrators or CyberLearning Instructional Designers

What is it?

This service requests the restoration of a Blackboard SIS Course from archives which has been removed from Production Blackboard. 

In order to request a specific course for restoration, you must be an instructor in the archived course. This will be verified by the Blackboard Administrator or CyberLearning staff prior to access. Exceptions to this rule are any requests by IT Security on behalf of YSU General Counsel. 

Where to get it?

Click on the Request Service button in the top right of this page. Please make sure to read through this whole description to possibly answer any questions about filling out the form. 

How to use it?

Click on the Service Request button at the top right of this page and fill out the form on the next page. In the description, list the course or courses that should be restored. While we prefer the Course ID format for the course {Subject}.{CourseCode}.{CRN}.{Year}.{Semester} - Example: ACCT.2602.20003.2022.Spring, you may not know what it was and YSU Blackboard technical staff can work with you to identify the specific course or courses through the ticket comments once created. 

Courses that have been restored will remain available for up to 30 days from the restore date. This allows for time to retrieve any data or to make individual backups of the course. Once time has lapsed, the course will be removed. 

How much does it cost?

Course restoration is a free service. 

Request Service

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This article explains how to copy class content into a course on Blackboard.
Overview, Procedures and Definitions pertaining to YSU Blackboard Production course retention standards. This includes backups and requests for course restoration from archival.

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