How can I import recorded Webex Meetings to my Vidcast Library?
Vidcast offers the ability to import recorded Webex Meetings to your Vidcast Library. This will allow you to manage recorded Webex Meetings just like any other video in your Vidcast library. This is great for classes that you've recorded in an Aneal Mohan Kohli Classroom of the Future, meetings that you've recorded, or even a recorded lecture from your desk using your Webex Personal Room.
To import recorded Webex meetings to your Vidcast Library, please take the following steps:
1. Login to Vidcast.
2. Once you login to Vidcast, click the upload icon at the top right. When the menu appears, click on Import Webex meetings.

3. On the next screen, you will see a list of Webex Meetings associated with your account. You can further narrow the list down to a date range using the From and/or To fields. Place a check box next to the meeting(s) you wish to import. Click Import Selected to begin processing the recordings into your Vidcast library.

The next screen will show you that the meeting(s) are importing and processing. You can safely click the Done button to return to the Vidcast Dashboard.

Your newly imported meeting(s) will shortly become available in your Vidcast library. To see your imported recording(s), click the Library button on the left side menu. Once you are in your Vidcast library, click on the Webex meetings tab to see meetings that you've imported.

You can now manage your meeting(s) just like any other video in your library. This includes editing the video, changing the title and description, and getting the video transcript!
If you have any questions, please contact IT Training services at
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