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    Services or Offerings?
    Use this service to request 3rd party integration for use in Blackboard

    Use this service to create Request Course Copy, Merge, or Conversion

    Use this service to create ticket for Blackboard Course Creation

    Use this service to submit any blackboard request that does not fall under any of the topics listed on the previous page

    Use this service to report a current outage or issue in Blackboard

    Use this service to create ticket for either Designing or Redesigning a blackboard course

    Use this service to request the setup of content within a course, other than tests.

    Use this service to request Individual/Group/Accessibility Training or a Blackboard Consultation

    Use this service to add a teaching assistant, secondary Instructor, Chair, or Dean to a current course

    Use this service to present an idea for a new feature you would like to see in Blackboard

    Use this service to request the temporary restoration of Blackboard SIS Course(s) from Archives that have been removed from Production Blackboard.

    Use this service if you need to request to make course documents accessible

    Use this service to request an internal online course review for an existing blackboard course