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    This article shows how to set up a booking Calander.
    YSU Students and Faculty have access to Office 365 Online Apps.
    This guide walks you through how to install Microsoft Office on a personal device.
    Article and table with the main features of the Google Suite and corresponding Microsoft Product.
    This article explains how to set Outlook Calendar Permission for proper communication with the Microsoft Bookings System and team members.
    How to fix redirects or stuck at the Office 365 Login loop.
    Microsoft Excel is a tool for managing data in spreadsheets and creating graphs and charts.
    Microsoft Stream is a platform where you can upload videos and share them with other faculty, staff, or students.
    This article details how to open Microsoft Office native files (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) from Teams in your local desktop installation of Microsoft Office.
    How to correct read-only mode in Office 365 on Mac OS based computers.
    This document will walk you through setting up your YSU Office 365 email on an iPhone/iPad
    This guide will assist you with adding and viewing Shared Mailboxes within the Office 365 Web Interface.