What 3rd party integrations are available in YSU Blackboard Courses?
The following 3rd party integrations are configured for use in YSU Blackboard Production. Some of these 3rd party integrations require payment for use by individual academic departments, such as eBook publishers. Names which have links will take you to a more detailed Knowledge Base article going over specifics of each integration. Last Update 08/15/2024.
Partner Cloud / Market Content
- Blackboard Ally File Transformer
- Cengage
- Jones & Bartlett Learning
- Macmillan Learning
LTI Tool Providers
- ACS Institution Lab Safety LTI 1.3
- Aktiv
- Barnes & Noble College
- Cengage LTI 1.3
- Cognella
- EdPuzzle
- Eesysoft
- Elsevier
- Feedbackfruits LTI 1.3
- Flatworld Knowledge
- GeniusSIS (Workforce Development)
- GivePulse (PenguinPulse) LTI 1.3
- GoReact
- Human eSources
- Kendall Hunt Publishing
- Wiley
- Labster LTI 1.3
- LinkedIn Learning LTI 1.3
- Macmillan New Ventures
- McGraw-Hill Connect LTI Advantage
- McGraw-Hill ALEKS LTI 1.3
- McGraw-Hill SIMnet LTI 1.3
- MyBusinessCourse LTI 1.3
- MyEducator
- MyOpenMath
- OneNote
- OpenOChem
- Oxford Learning Link
- Pearson MyLab, Mastering, and Revel LTI 1.3
- Perusall LTI 1.3
- PluralSight (Workforce Development)
- Respondus Lockdown Browser
- RPExams
- Sage Vantage LTI 1.3
- Signing Naturally LTI 1.3
- Top Hat LTI 1.3
- TurningPoint
- VitalSource - Bookshelf
- VitalSource - First Day Course Materials
- Webcom (grlcontent)
- Webex
- WileyPlus
- W.W. Norton - Inquizitive
- Zoom
- Zybooks
Other Software
- Rosetta Stone
Building Blocks
After 12/31/2023, support for most Building Blocks will be End of Life by Blackboard. They will remove them automatically. YSU Blackboard Admins have been working with vendors to migrate all Building Blocks to LTI 1.3 over the course of the year.
- EesySoft - Extension until 6/1/2024
- Examity - Extension until 6/1/2024