Blackboard: Cengage Mindtap and WebAssign LTI

Cengage Mindtap and WebAssign LTI F.A.Q.

Q. What is Cengage Mindtap and WebAssign?

A. Cengage has multiple integrations in their digital platform tools. The following tools are primarily used at YSU. 

  • Cengage Mindtap delivers online homework that includes videos, assessments, study tools and seamless access to eTextbooks in a variety of disciplines. 
  • Cengage WebAssign delivers online homework and secure testing, plus the eTextbook and study resources for students in a variety of STEM disciplines.

Q. What courses can integrate with Cengage Mindtap and WebAssign?

A. All YSU Blackboard courses are able to integrate with Cengage LTI tools. Instructors can browse through a list of disciplines for Higher Ed.
Cengage WebAssign is designed specifically for STEM disciplines.
Cengage Mindtap is designed for a wide variety of disciplines. 

Q. As an instructor, how do I setup Cengage MindTap or WebAssign in my course?

A. One of the first steps is to work with a Cengage sales representative to go over the courses available and purchase materials. Contact a sales representative through the link by filling out the form.

Once purchased and the materials are ready for use, they will need to be linked to Blackboard by adding the Cengage LTI Placement in your Blackboard course. The Cengage StartStrong Page will walk you through general information for the different integrations and provide step by step instructions for setup. YSU Blackboard administrators have already configured our Blackboard Production instance with the Cengage LTI tools. 

The following links are for specific integration walk-through: 

Integrate Cengage MindTap with your Blackboard Course (Original or Ultra)

Integrate Cengage WebAssign with your Blackboard Course (Original or Ultra)

If you need additional support internal to YSU, you can contact the Cyberlearning Department and setup a meeting with one of our Instructional Designers. 

Q. Is there a status webpage to check if Cengage Tools are experiencing issues?

A. Cengage TechCheck Status Page

Q. What steps should be taken to report or fix an issue with any Cengage Tools?

A. The first step is to visit the Cengage Platform Help Page. This page provides a click through menu which takes you to resources for troubleshooting issues as a student, instructor or LMS administrator. 

If you are unable to resolve the issue using the troubleshooting resources, Cengage Support can be contacted for more immediate assistance. This requires a login using your Cengage username and password. 

If you need assistance from YSU support, please contact the YSU Service Desk at 330-941-1595 and our support technicians will try and assist or create a ticket which will be assigned to the appropriate support team. 

Q. What documentation and training materials are available for Cengage Tools?

A. There are a number of web pages to assist with documentation and training. 

  • Cengage Training Resources - Each platform link on this site contains more detailed information and materials.
  • Cengage Start Strong - A walk-through for students to help them get connected to Cengage, from registration, linking your account in a course and accessing materials in the course.


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