StatPearls F.A.Q.
Q. What is StatPearls?
A. StatPearls collaborates with the American Nurses Association (ANA) to create a complete and test-like experience for nursing board exams across all specialties and disciplines. These review courses follow the blueprint in question formats that closest mimic the actual test.
Q. What courses can integrate with StatPearls?
A. Any YSU Blackboard Course can integrate with StatPearls. The partnership with StatPearls is through the YSU Nursing Department and any use outside of their department should be vetted and approved before use as there may be a cost involved.
Q. As an instructor, how do I setup StatPearls in my course?
A. You will want to work with your department and a StatPearls representative to have any courses added for access. There is a back and forth with StatPearls to have access added on their end for integration.
Q. Is there a status webpage to check if StatPearls is experiencing issues?
A. StatPearls integration runs through Please see their status page for any issues and downtime, specifically Data Sources - Blackboard.
Q. What steps should be taken to report or fix an issue with StatPearls?
A. General questions and issues can be sent to
Q. What documentation and training materials are available for StatPearls?
A. Questions and help documents can be found at