Windows 11 - Lab Conversion Information


What labs are being upgraded to Windows 11 and when are they being upgraded?


The following list of computer labs will be wiped and upgraded to Windows 11 starting Summer 2024 semester.

Periodically check this article for updates as YSU IT will be regularly reviewing and updating our progress. If a lab isn't listed, it is still under consideration and review. A Knowledge Base article on will be available soon about the Windows 11 log in process (Under Development). 

Labs Queued for Windows 11 Upgrade
Beeghly Hall - Rm. 114
Kilcawley House - Student Lab
Kilcawley Center - Rm. 2052
Kilcawley Center - Display Laptops
Cushwa Hall - Rm. 2351
Cushwa Hall - Rm. B118
Maag Library - Rm. 171
Maag Library - Rm. 179
Cafaro House - Student Lab
Lyden House - Student Lab
Stambaugh Stadium - Rm. 1097
University Courtyard Apartments - Building 100 4th Floor
University Courtyard Apartments - Building 200 1st Floor


Completed Labs
None Completed

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Article ID: 161511
Wed 4/17/24 10:40 AM
Mon 4/29/24 10:47 AM