How do I navigate to Microsoft Bookings?
Microsoft Bookings has become a popular choice at YSU for creating and managing appointments.
The easiest way to access Bookings is to go directly to the website. Please take the following steps to navigate to Bookings:
1. Visit Consider adding this page as a bookmark for easy access. Click Sign in to login to Bookings using your YSU login information. Note: If you are already logged into Microsoft 365 in your web browser session, your browser may take you directly to Bookings without requiring you to login again.

2. Next, the system will display your Bookings dashboard. There are a few actions you can take to get started, these actions are described below.

1. Use the Create button to enter the Booking page wizard. This will allow you to begin the process of building out a Booking page with all of the features of Bookings.
2. The Shared Bookings section will display Booking pages that you have created or have been shared with you.
3. Personal Booking Calendar is a simplified version that allows you to take Bookings with just your personal calendar. This cannot be used as a departmental booking page, but may be used to take appointments on your individual calendar. Click Go to my booking page to access your personal booking calendar.
More information about Bookings: Setting up & using Microsoft Bookings
If you have any questions or need consultation, please reach out to YSU IT Training Services or email