Account: Mitigate Costly Ransomware Threats


How can I help mitigate costly ransomware threats?


Your immediate action when faced with suspicious email can help YSU mitigate the threat of ransomware. 

  1. Report suspicious email using the Phish Alarm button in Outlook and
  2. Use Multi-factor Authentication.
  3. Understand and follow the Acceptable Use Policy (3356-4-09).  Especially, use your YSU email because it is protected by layers of security. Other services may not offer adequate security against ransomware.
  4. Storage of electronic data policy (3356-4-09.2) ensures that the campus community uses YSU's encrypted cloud storage locations such as OneDrive and Microsoft Teams for University business and research data.
  5. If you receive any data security threat on your YSU connected device, please immediately disconnect from the network (wired and/or wireless connections).  

If you have any questions or you think your data security has been compromised, please contact the IT Service Desk at (330) 941-1595.

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