Blackboard Ultra: Grading Assignments


How to Grade Assignments


Assignments allow you to collect, grade, or return student submissions. This option can be utilized for paper submissions or any type of file upload.

1. Click Gradebook from the navigation bar.
2. Select the assignment to grade.
    The submissions page opens.
3. Select a student’s name to open the grading page. From this page, you have several options:

  • Expand the Students panel to view the list of students who submitted the assignment.
  • Use the Grading Status filter to display all students or select the Needs Grading filter to focus on the remaining grading work.
  • If a student has accommodations, a purple pill appears next to their name.
  • If a student has late submissions or the due date passed with no attempt submitted, a red circle appears around their profile picture.
  • When ready, you can select Post Grades to post grades for all graded students.

5. Expand the feedback and rubrics side panel on the right to add feedback or grade with a rubric.
6. Enter a point value in the box provided in the upper right corner.

IDDC Pro Tip: Grades will be visible only to you until you post them to the gradebook. You can post grades individually as you grade each student’s work or you can post all grades at once.

7. To post a grade immediately, click the options menu and select Post.
    Optionally, click the "X" to return to the submissions page to post individual grades or all grades.

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