I Want to Connect My Students to Support On Campus


How do I connect my students to support on campus?


Did you know that a survey of 75,000+ college graduates "found that alumni who strongly agree that a professor 'cared about them as a person' are more engaged in their work, more emotionally attached to their alma mater, and experience higher levels of wellbeing" (Matson & Clark, 2020). Any of your students may need additional support over the course of a semester, but during Covid-19 and/or for students taking courses remotely, it may be particularly difficult for them to establish a caring relationship with a faculty and/or staff member and connect to support services on campus. Below are some resources that may help you connect your students to additional supports on campus. 

Please see the Creative Course Delivery website  I want to CONNECT MY STUDENTS TO SUPPORT ON CAMPUS.

If you have any other questions please book a consult with an ACT Team Member here.

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