Printers: Use Wireless Printing on YSU Printers on Campus


How do I print to a YSU printer?


For all devices, you must be connected to YSU Wi-Fi.






iOS Devices :

1) Select the Share Symbol on the document you'd like to print.

2) Press Print.

3) Select the Student_BYOD_FindMe or Employee_BYOD_Findme printer depending on your role. 

4) Enter your YSU username (First part of YSU email) and password.

5) Confirm settings like double sided printing and number of copies.

6) Press Print.


1) Hit Command-P 

2) Select the local YSU wireless printer you're trying to print to, Student_BYOD_FindMe or Employee_BYOD_Findme depending on your role .

3) Confirm settings like doubled siding printing and number of copies.

4) Press Print.

5) Enter your YSU username (First part of your YSU email) and password. 

NOTE: The username default on MacOS will be the user of the computer, be sure to change this to your YSU username.


1) Go to the PaperCut Windows Client Setup

2) Click the link below the video to download "Mobility Print Installer"

3) Run the Program that was downloaded.

4) Allow the program to make changes to your computer.

5) Accept the terms of the program.

6) The program will search for all nearby printers, please select Student_BYOD_FindMe or Employee_BYOD_Findme depending on your role.

7) Enter your YSU username (the first part of your YSU email) and password.

8) This will complete the install of those printers on your device. 

9) When printing, just select one of the printers you just installed.

Android Devices :

1) Download "Papercut" from the Google Play Store.

2) Install the Student_BYOD_FindMe or Employee_BYOD_Findme print queue depending on your role.

3) When prompted for log-in information, enter your YSU username (first part of your YSU email) and password.

4) Now you should be able to select one of the local printers when printing a document.

ChromeOS :

1) Google Search "Papercut mobility print chromebook."

2) Select the first link that says "Client setup to print from a Windows Device - PaperCut"

3) Download "Mobility Print Printer Setup"

4) Run the downloaded program.

5) Allow the program to make changes to your computer. 

6) Accept the terms of the program. 

7) As the program finds local printers, select Student_BYOD_FindMe or Employee_BYOD_Findme depending on your role. 

8) Enter your YSU username (the first part of your YSU email) and password. 

9) When you go to print a document, select one of the printers you just installed.

If you have any issues printing on campus, feel free to stop at the Penguin Plug-ins (located in Kilcawley Center and Moser Hall) or call the Service Desk at (330)-941-1595.



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