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    Learn how to join a meeting, schedule office hours appointments, and access meeting recordings using Webex's Education Connector (Webex LTI) tool in Blackboard.
    Configure Webex's LTI in Blackboard to schedule virtual meetings and office hours for your course!
    Start your virtual meeting for your Blackboard course using the Webex LTI.
    Instructors may add recordings to their courses using a variety of methods.  If they chose the Webex LTI,  a unique section (module) of the course may include links to join a class meeting virtually or to present while in your physical classroom.
    The Webex LTI (formerly Education Connector) allows faculty to integrate Webex into their Blackboard Learn or Ultra course shell to schedule class hybrid or synchronous online meetings. Students may join class virtually using a link in Blackboard. Course recordings are linked back into the course shell.