Approving Knowledge Base Articles


What are the steps required to approve a Knowledge base article?


1. Create a Knowledge Base article on a relevant topic using the default knowledge base template in the Templates drop-down menu.

     NOTE: You can refer to this article about content creation and formatting.

2. Before saving the article, be sure to check Notify Owner of Feedback located in the Settings tab directly above Save. This will notify creators when comments are made for feedback but not when edits are being made.

4. After saving, the article can be found in the Articles Pending Review tab. There are five categories articles are listed under:

  • Not Submitted: The article has been saved and likely edited, but not submitted for approval. Save the article under this category if it is not finished.
  • Submitted: The article has been completed, edited, and submitted for approval. 
  • Approved: The article has been approved by a manger and is now published in the knowledge base. NOTE: Only managers can approve articles.
  • Rejected: The article has not been approved by the creator's manager. Managers should give feedback on why the article was not approved.
  • Archived: These articles will not appear in new searches but are still accessible if linked in emails, webpages, and other communications. Articles in the knowledge base should only be deleted if approved by the creator's manager.

5. When it's ready for editing, the article's creator notifies a resident technical writer by adding a comment for feedback below the article.

  • Note: For the spring 2020 semester, the resident technical writers are Emily Wire and Isabelle Azar.

6. After the article has been thoroughly edited, the technical writer adds a comment for managerial approval.

7. It is then up to the managers to approve or reject the articles in a timely manner. NOTE: Once approved, no substantial edits are to be made to an article unless authorized by the approving manager.

8. Articles in the Knowledge Base will be periodically revised for outdated information. The creator or approving manager can set a Next Review Date found under the Settings tab while editing.

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