How do I change the listing status of a job within JobX?
You can list or de-list a job position in JobX by following the steps below.
To change from "active, listed" to "active, not listed":
1. Click on the job title on your Job Control Panel.

2. In the Udpate Status box, click Active, Not Listed.

3. Click Send to Active, Not Listed.

4. The page will automatically refresh and you will see the updated status.

To change from "active, not listed" to "active, listed":
1. Click on the job title on your Job Control Panel.

2. In the Update Status box, click Active, Listed.

3. Select when you want the job listed, whether or not to send job mail, and for how long you want the job to remain listed. Then, click Save Changes.

4. The page will automatically refresh and you will see the updated status.