Hiring Managers: View Student Applications and Contact Applicants


How do I view submitted applications and contact the applicants?


To view submitted applications

1. Log in to JobX.

2. From your Job Control Panel, click on the link next to "Applications"


3. Click on the student's name to view their application. 

4. Scroll down the page to view the details of the student's application. 

5. Click Back to applications list to view more applications. 

To contact applicants

1. From your Job Control Panel, click on the link next to "Applications"

2. Check the box next to the name of the applicant you to whom you want to send an email message.

3. Select the message you wish to send the student from the action drop-down menu

4. Then click Apply Action.

5. Verify you are sending the proper message to the selected students, then click Send.

6. You will see a verification message that your email has been sent. Click Click here to return to reviewing applications.

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