How do I save my Blackboard Collaborate Recordings to Vidcast?
Vidcast is a video hosting application. You can download a Blackboard Collaborate recording to a video file (.mp4), save it to your computer, and then import it to Vidcast. You will be able to use Vidcast to manage access to the video, edit the title/description, and collect analytics.
Download recordings from Blackboard Collaborate
Upload a video to Vidcast
- Navigate to the Blackboard course that contains your Collaborate recording.
- Under Details & Actions, click the 3 dots next to Class Collaborate and select View all recordings.

- On the screen showing your recordings, browse through your recordings.
- Once you find the recording you want to download, click the Recording Options button (3 dots) to the right of the recording, and then click on Download. Depending on your settings, your web browser will download to your designated download location or prompt you to save to a location on your computer. Either way, the file will be saved as an mp4 and identified as “Blackboard Collaborate Recording” with the date/time of the recording in the file name.

To upload videos to your Vidcast library, please take the following steps:
1. Login to Vidcast.
2. Once you login to Vidcast, click the upload icon at the top right. When the menu appears, click on Upload Video.

3. On the next menu that appears, you can either drag and drop video files to upload or click Find files on my computer to open your system's file browser to select the video(s). You can drag and drop or select one or more video files to bring into your Vidcast Library.
Please note: The supported file types are .mp4, .mkv, .wmv, .webm, and .mov. The maximum allowed file size per file is 2GB.

The upload and processing will now begin. You can safely click the Done button at anytime to return to the Vidcast dashboard. The system will process your video(s) and they will become available in your library shortly.

To find and access your library, including the newly uploaded video(s), click the Library button on the left side menu.

You can now manage your video(s) just like any other video in your library. This includes editing the video, changing the title and description, and getting the video transcript!
If you have any questions, please contact IT Training services at
Video Companion