Bookings: Making sure Bookings can view your Outlook Calendar


How can I make sure Bookings is able to view my calendar?


In order for Bookings to work efficiently, it is important to make sure the proper calendar permissions set and that your calendar is current. You will also need to make sure you enter appointments, such as off campus commitments during business hours, so that Bookings does not think you are available. These settings are contained on your Microsoft 365 account. The best way to verify, and adjust these settings as needed, is to access from Outlook on the web.

Please take the following steps to check your calendar permissions.

1. Go to and login, if needed, with your email and password. Alternatively, you can login to the Penguin Portal and access your email.

2. Once you login, click the calendar icon on the left side.

Calendar settings

3. At this screen, you will see your calendar and any additional calendars that you have access to. Make sure your calendar is selected as indicated with the check box in the blue circle. If not, click in the circle to select your calendar. Hover your mouse to the right and click the 3 ellipses ... to collapse the menu. Select Sharing and permissions.

Calendar menu

4. The sharing and permissions rules for your calendar will now appear. In order for Bookings to coordinate with your calendar, you need to make sure the People in my Organization setting is set to at least Can view when I'm busy. If set to restricted, Bookings will not be able to see see your calendar and available appointments on the Booking page will not be consistent with your calendar!

Calendar permissions

If you make any adjustments, the changes will take place instantly. If no adjustments are needed, you can close your browser tab or move away from Outlook on the web.

When using this in a setting in which multiple staff members can be booked, make sure everyone goes through these steps. 

Note: Bookings will never display any calendar details to the customer. The customer can only see time slots in which you (or the selected staff member) are available for the service that they selected on the Booking page, nothing else. 

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If you have any questions or need consultation, please reach out to YSU IT Training Services or email

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