Can I share Webex recordings with other users?
Webex recordings can be shared with other users by sharing the link to the recording.
Users can access their recordings via the Webex App or through Webex online.
Access Via Webex App
1. Open the Webex App. Use your YSU credentials to log in.

2. Select the meeting icon in the left navigation panel.

3. Select the Meeting content tab. (If you are running an older version of Webex, the tab title will be Recordings).

4. For the desired recording, select the arrow.

5. Enter the email address of the user you wish to share the recording with.
6. Select Forward.

Access Via Webex Online
1. Navigate to Webex.
2. Select Sign in. Use your YSU credentials to sign in.

3. Select Recordings in the left navigation panel.

4. For the desired recording, select the share icon.

5. A Share recording window will appear. There are two options of sharing the recording:

a. To share via email:
i. Enter the email of the user you are sharing the recording with.
ii. Edit the message, if desired.
iii. Select Save.
b. To share via link:
i. Select the appropriate option in the view drop down.
ii. Select the copy icon.
iii. Select Save.
iv. Paste the link into the desired area (email, document, Blackboard, etc.).
Users can also download the recording(s) and upload each recording to a video platform. Youngstown State University's Microsoft license includes access to Microsoft Stream. Microsoft Stream is a great way to for users to manage recordings, provide video transcripts, and share videos/recordings seamlessly with other users.