Blackboard: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Jones & Bartlett Learning F.A.Q.

Q. What is Jones & Bartlett Learning?

A. Jones & Bartlett Learning (JBL) develops educational programs and services that improve learning outcomes and enhance student achievement. JBL does this by combining authoritative content written by respected authors with innovative, proven, and engaging technology applications that meet the diverse needs of today's instructors, students, and professionals.

You can add links to Jones & Bartlett Learning Navigate 2.0 courses into your Blackboard Learn course. This allows for seamless access to Jones & Bartlett from within Blackboard for your students.

Q. What courses can integrate with Jones & Bartlett Learning?

A. All YSU Blackboard courses are able to integrate with Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Q. As an instructor, how do I setup Jones & Bartlett Learning in my course?

1.    In a content area, select Content Market from the Partner Content menu.
2.    Pick the appropriate partner content on the Content Market page. Select Jones & Bartlett Learning from the list of Available Partners. Associated Partners display partners already associated to the course.
3.    Complete the Jones & Bartlett Learning setup. After you log in or create a new account, future visits to add a Jones & Bartlett Learning link will take you directly to the partner content selection page.
4.    After selecting the desired Jones & Bartlett Learning links, they will be available to your students within the chosen content area.

You can find Blackboard Original instructions here.

Q. Is there a status webpage to check if Jones & Bartlett Learning is experiencing issues?

A. Refer to Jones & Bartlett Learning’s Twitter account to check the system status of their services.

Q. What steps should be taken to report or fix an issue with Jones & Bartlett Learning?

A. Jones & Bartlett Learning has email, chat, and phone support available for technical support issues.
Phone: 800-832-0034, option #2
Chat: You can access the live chat by going to the Technical Support homepage and using the chat bubble in the lower right corner.

You can search the Technical Support homepage for known issues and common questions.

You can locate the Account Manager for Youngstown State University and contact them directly.

For internal support at YSU, contact the YSU Service Desk at 330-941-1595 or enter a ticket through the YSU Technology Service Portal. Tickets will be reviewed by the Service Desk and assigned to the appropriate department who can assist with issues.

Q. What documentation and training materials are available for Jones & Bartlett Learning?

A. For instructor documentation and help articles from Jones & Bartlett Learning, go to the Instructor Training Library.
For student documentation and help articles from Jones & Bartlett Learning, go to the Student Training Library

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