Outlook: Follow Up Feature


Does Outlook have a reminder feature?


Users can flag emails for follow-up to be reminded to re-visit specific emails. Users can choose pre-determined reminder intervals or create custom reminder times. Emails can be flagged to remind users to reply to a received email or follow-up on a response sent to another user.


Table of Contents

Flag an Email

Create a Custom Follow Up Notification


Flag an Email

To flag an email for follow up:

  1. Open the desired email.
  2. Select Follow Up in the Tags section of the Home ribbon.

Microsoft Outlook window with the follow up feature highlighted


  1. Select a reminder option from the drop-down menu.

Outlook's follow up tag feature drop down menu exposed


Create a Custom Follow Up Notification

  1. Select Custom in the Follow Up drop down menu.

microsoft outlook's follow up feature drop down menu with custom highlighted


  1. A pop-up window to configure the custom follow up will appear.  Fill in the notification settings:
    • Select an option in the Flag to field.
    • Choose a Start date.
    • Choose the Due date.
    • Check the Reminder box. 
    • Choose the date and time for a minder.
  2. Select OK.

custom notifications pop-up window with OK highlighted


Want to know more information about flagging emails in Outlook? Read Microsoft's articles to Flag email messages for follow up.

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