Webex: Add Webex to Your Blackboard Courses


How do I add Webex to my Blackboard Courses?


Webex has been integrated into Blackboard and you can enable Webex by following the steps listed below.

Blackboard Original Course 
Blackboard Ultra Course

Blackboard Original Courses

  1. Open your blackboard course.
  2. If using Blackboard Original, navigate to your content page. 
  3. Select Tools and click the drop down arrow.

  4. Click more tools and select Webex.
  5. You can add it to the black shortcut bar on the left side of the page by clicking the + and selecting tool link.

  6. Give it a name (Webex).
  7. Click the drop down and scroll until you see Webex and select.
  8. Check the box making it available to users.
  9. Click Submit.

  10. Open Webex and click on the Setup Tab.  
  11. Click Virtual Meetings and Office Hours or if already checked, be sure to un-check Classroom Collaboration.
  12. Click Apply
  13. Authorize the connection between Blackboard and Webex by scrolling down to Authorize with LMS and click Authorize.
    Image showing how to authorize access between Blackboard and Webex.
  14. Make visible to students.


Blackboard Ultra Courses

  1. Open your Blackboard Course.
  2. Click on Books and Tools in the left column.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the pop-up window.
  4. Click the + next to Webex to add it to your course.

  5. Open Webex and click on the Setup Tab.  
  6. Click Virtual Meetings and Office Hours.
  7. Click Apply
  8. Authorize the connection between Blackboard and Webex by scrolling down to Authorize with LMS and click Authorize.
    Image showing how to authorize access between Blackboard and Webex.
  9. Make visible to students.

Create a Virtual Meeting

  1. Click the Virtual Meeting Tab.
  2. Click Create Meeting.

  3. Enter Meeting Information.
  4. Click Recurrence to make it last for the whole semester.
    Students can join directly from Blackboard.
    Students can view recordings.  Click the recordings tabs in Virtual Meeting
  5. Click Create Meeting.

Office Hours

You can set up virtual office hours using Webex.  You only have to set office hours in one course.  Selected office hours will carry across all your courses so that you do not have students double book.   Once a student books a time to meet with you, the student and you will receive an email containing the meeting information and how to join the meeting.

  1. Click the Office Hours tab in Webex in Blackboard
  2. Select the Meeting Duration and Buffer time you want for office hours.
  3. Select the Date Range for scheduled office hours.
  4. Set weekly hours for each planned office hour.
    • Add availability when you plan for multiple time increments on one day.

Set Office Hours in the Webex Education Connector in Blackboard

Add availability

  1. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

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Article ID: 113196
Wed 8/5/20 2:55 PM
Fri 8/11/23 1:32 PM

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