Voicemail: How to Use the Phone and Voicemail System (General Instructions)


The article explains general voice mail instructions.



How do I use the voicemail system?


Voicemail works by forwarding your incoming calls to the voicemail system. Use this article for setting up your voicemail.

Accessing Your Voicemail for the First-time:

  1. To access your mailbox for the first time, dial 2034.
  2. When prompted enter the default password of 336699.
  3. Audio instructions are provided for all basic services when you reach your voicemail.

Call Forwarding:

  1. Forward; busy, no answer: This forwards calls to voicemail after 4 rings if the phone is busy or if there is no answer.
    • To set: Lift the handset, dial *5 2034, and then hang up.
    • To cancel: Lift the handset, dial #5, and then hang up.
  2. Forward all calls to voicemail: This forwards any incoming calls to voicemail. The phone will not ring at your desk.
    • To set: Lift the handset, dial *4 2034, and then hang up.
    • To cancel: Lift the handset, dial #4, and then hang up.
  3. Forward all calls to another extension: This forwards all calls to another extension. The phone will not ring at your desk, nor will your voicemail receive any messages.
    • To set: Lift the handset, dial *4 and the desired extension, and then hang up.
    • To cancel: Lift the handset, dial #4, and then hang up.
    • To reactivate your voicemail: Repeat the steps for Forward; busy, no answer.
  4. Forward all calls to another phone number: This forwards all calls to another number. The phone will not ring at your desk, nor will your voicemail receive any messages.
    • To set: Lift the handset, dial *4, listen for a repeated beeping tone then dial the desired number (9-XXX-XXX-XXXX), and then hang up.
    • To cancel: Lift the handset, dial #4, and then hang up.
    • To reactivate your voicemail: Repeat the steps for Forward; busy, no answer.

Network & Telephone Services recommends Forward; busy, no answer for voicemail.


Voicemail Commands That May Be Used Anytime:

  • To cancel or back up, press *.
  • To skip or move ahead, press #.
  • To pause or continue the message, press 8.
  • To fast forward to the end of the message, press 9.

Common Tasks Performed in Voicemail:

To Check Messages from Home

  1. Dial 330-941-2034.
  2. Press *.
  3. Enter your ID (your campus extension).
  4. Press #.
  5. Enter your password and follow the usual prompts.
  6. To Forward a Message
  7. After listening to a message, press 5.
  8. Follow the prompts to address the forwarded message.
  9. Press # to forward the message as is, press 2 to record an introduction, or press 3 for message options.

Edit a Recorded Name

  1. Dial 2034.
  2. Enter your password.
  3. Press 4 for Setup Options.
  4. Press 3 for Personal Settings.
  5. To change the recorded name, press 2.
  6. Record your name.
  7. Press # to end the recording.
  8. Press * to exit.

Edit a Password

  1. Dial 2034.
  2. Enter your password.
  3. Press 4 for Setup Options.
  4. Press 3 for Personal Settings.
  5. To change your password, press 1.
  6. Enter your new password, and then press #.
  7. Enter the password again to confirm, and then press #.
  8. Press # to end recording.
  9. Press * to exit.

Edit a Greeting

  1. Dial 2034.
  2. Enter your password.
  3. Press 4 for Setup Options.
  4. Press 1 for Greetings.
  5. To change the greeting, press 1.
  6. Record greeting.
  7. Press # to end recording.
  8. Press * to exit.

Set an Alternative Greeting (Out of Office)

  1. Dial 2034.
  2. Enter your password.
  3. Press 4 for Setup Options.
  4. Press 1 for Greetings.
  5. To change the greeting, press 1 (plays current greeting).
  6. Press 2 to set alternate greeting.   


  1. Press 1 to record a new alternate greeting
  2. Press # to end recording.
  3. Press * to exit.

To Check Messages from Campus

  1. Dial 2034.
  2. Enter your password.
  3. To hear new messages, press 1.
  4. To review old messages, press 3.
  5. During the message:
    • Press 1 to repeat the message.
    • Press 2 to save the message.
    • Press 3 to delete the message.
    • Press 8 to pause or continue the message.
    • Press 9 to fast forward or end the message.
  6. After the messages:
    • Press 1 to repeat the message.
    • Press 2 to save the message.
    • Press 3 to delete the message.
    • Press 8 to pause or continue the message.
    • Press 9 to fast forward or end the message.

To Check Messages from Off Campus

  1. Dial (330) 941-2034.
  2. Press the asterisk (*) button.
  3. Enter your extension.
  4. You will be prompted to enter your pass word.
  5. Enter your pass word.
  6. To hear new messages, press 1.
  7. To review old messages, press 3.
  8. During the message:
    • Press 1 to repeat the message.
    • Press 2 to save the message.
    • Press 3 to delete the message.
    • Press 8 to pause or continue the message.
    • Press 9 to fast forward or end the message.
  9. After the messages:
    • Press 1 to repeat the message.
    • Press 2 to save the message.
    • Press 3 to delete the message.
    • Press 8 to pause or continue the message.
    • Press 9 to fast forward or end the message.

To Forward a Message

  1. After listening to a message, press 5.
  2. Follow the prompts to address the forwarded message.
  3. Press # to forward the message as is, press 2 to record an introduction, or press 3 for message options.

Other Information:

  • Passwords must be 4 or more digits.
  • Never use your extension as a password.
  • Do not use * or # in a password.
  • Do not use consecutive numbers in a password.
  • Your mailbox will hold 25 messages.
  • The max greeting length is 90 seconds.

If you need more assistance, contact the YSU Service Desk at 330-941-1595 or at servicedesk@ysu.edu. You can also submit a service request.



Article ID: 41310
Thu 10/26/17 10:09 AM
Tue 11/26/24 1:39 PM

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