Adobe Software: Adobe Creative Cloud - Specific Academic Course Student Access


Information on how to access Adobe Creative Cloud for student personal devices who are in specific courses which require access.



I am a student in a course which requires Adobe Creative Cloud access. How do I access Creative Cloud on my personal computer?


YSU is providing subscription access to Adobe Creative Cloud suite for students who are enrolled in the following courses. If you are not enrolled in any of these courses you will not have access on your personal device.

Note: ALL Students will still have access to Adobe Creative Cloud on all YSU owned Lab Computers where the software is installed. 

Course List for Spring 2025

Art Art  1501  20027   Fundamentals of 2D Design
Art Art  1502  20028   Fundamentals of 3D Design
Art Art  1502  20029   Fundamentals of 3D Design
Art Art  1529  24546   Design + 2D
Art Art  1529  24548   Design + 2D
Art Art  1531  24545   Design + Drawing as Thinking
Art Art  1532  24544   Design + Raster Image
Art Art  2625  24231   Introduction to Printmaking: Intaglio and Relief
Art Art  2661  20036   Print 1
Art Art  2662  23636   Print 1
Art Art  2674  21621   Introduction to Photography
Art Art  2674  24794   Introduction to Photography
Art Art  2691  22172   Introduction to Digital Media
Art Art  3703  24409   Junior Portfolio Review
Art Art  3703  24412   Junior Portfolio Review Photography
Art Art  3759  24072   Interactive Design 1
Art Art  3760  22342   Typography 1
Art Art  3762  20043   Typography 2
Art Art  3792  24174   Video and Animation Studio
Art Art  4802  23413   Senior Project
Art Art  4802  24406   Senior Project
Art Art  4802  24066   Senior Project
Art Art  4802  23412   Senior Project
Art Art  4864  20048   Packaging
Art Art  4867  21824   Graphic Design Internship
Art Art  4893  23642   Advanced Digital Media/Photography Studio
Art Art  4800E 21716  Studio Problems Photography 

Comm Journalism  373101   24019   News Content Creation II
Comm Journalism  489302   22329   Journalism Senior Project

Comm MCOM       262402    24445   Communication Technology - Photo and Video
Comm MCOM       268501    23952   Producing
Comm MCOM       489901    24450   Senior Project
Comm MCOM       2625        23951   Communication Technologies: Aesthetics & Design

English & World Lang    English      4899   21682   Public & Professional Writing Senior Proj

Honors  Honors  3799C  22508   Independent Study

MCOM  MCOM   2624    23957   Communication Technology - Photo and Video

MKTG    ADV      3720     24582   Intro to Adobe Suite

SCSIET   INFO    3774     20778   Digital Image Processing
SCSIET  CSIS      1570     22200   Web Systems & Technologies


Instructions for Student Access
  1. Students who are in the above courses will receive the following email from If you do not see this email in your inbox, please check that it wasn't marked as spam or junk and automatically moved to one of those folders. If for some reason you did not get this email, please inform  your instructor and enter a Service Request with the YSU Service Desk. YSU ITS will work with you and your professor to resolve the access issue. 

  2. Click the Get Started link from the email or go to and click the Login Button at the top right of the screen. 
  3. Your web browser will open to the Adobe Login page and auto fill in your email, skip to step 5.
    If for some reason it does not fill in your email, goto step 4
  4. Enter your YSU Penguin Portal email in the blank and click Continue

  5. At the Select an Account screen, choose Company or School Account. 

  6. If you have already authenticated in your browser using your YSU Penguin Username and Password in another tab or window, you will automatically be logged in using Single Sign On (SSO). If you are not currently logged in to a YSU service that uses the YSU Penguin Username and Password, a screen will come up to enter this information and login.
  7. You will now be at your Adobe account profile page. From here you can download the Adobe Creative Cloud Apps and manage your online storage. All student accounts for YSU courses receive 20 GB of storage for saving projects. 





Article ID: 114579
Mon 8/24/20 11:59 AM
Thu 1/9/25 1:50 PM

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