How can I access my OneDrive from Windows 11?
Windows 11 at YSU creates a seamless integration with your YSU Microsoft 365 account. This means that applications like OneDrive are automatically available to you when using a YSU computer. Files and folders that you save to your OneDrive become available to you anywhere with an Internet connection, including the computer labs and your mobile devices.
Accessing your OneDrive on Windows 11 at YSU is easy. Whenever you login to a computer, you will notice the blue cloud icon at the bottom right in the system tray. Click on the blue cloud icon to pull up your OneDrive information.

You will see details and actions regarding your OneDrive. The system will display any syncing taking place. Once the computer syncs with your OneDrive, you will see the green check mark indicator at the top. You will also see a log of the most recent file actions on your OneDrive. For example, anything you've deleted or uploaded. Additional actions are as follows:
Open folder. This action will open the OneDrive folder on the local computer. You can use the Windows file explorer to access and manage files on your OneDrive. You can save, open, and delete files from this location as if they were on the local computer.

Note: The status column is added to any cloud based storage locations in Windows, including OneDrive. Please see the Microsoft Article: What do the OneDrive icons mean? for more information.
View Online: Will take you to your OneDrive in Microsoft 365 using a Web Browser.
Recycle bin is the recycling bin for your OneDrive. You will be able to access (and restore if desired) recently deleted files at this location. This is similar to the traditional Recycle bin that has always been available in Windows, but is specific to your OneDrive. This includes files that were deleted from your OneDrive using other devices.
Additional articles to help you with your YSU OneDrive can be found in the YSU IT Knowledge Base Category: OneDrive.
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