How can I assign a Bookings appointment to someone else?
If a situation arises, such as a staff call off, and you need to re-assign a Bookings appointment, you can do so from the Bookings dashboard. This enables administrators and schedulers of Bookings pages to continue to serve customers in the event of a schedule change.
To change the assigned staff member of a Bookings appointment, please take the following steps:
1. Log into Bookings and access the Dashboard of Booking Pages. Select the appropriate Booking Page Dashboard. In this example, I am accessing Mr. Melnik's Advising Appointments.

2. You will now see the calendar view. This contains Booking Appointments for the Booking Page. You will be able to see all staff members associated with your Booking Page. Navigate to the Booking Appointment that needs re-assigned from the original staff member's calendar. You can use the date navigation at the top using the navigation buttons as shown below. Click on the appointment.

3. Click on Edit to modify the Booking Appointment.

4. The Edit screen will now appear. Under the staff list, select a staff member to re-assign the appointment to by clicking the circle next to their name. Deselect the original staff member by clicking the circle and the check mark will disappear. Click Update Booking to save the change. All parties involved: the original staff member, the newly assigned staff member, and the customer will receive an email notice of the updated information. All calendars will update accordingly.

If you have any questions or need consultation, please reach out to YSU IT Training Services or email