How can I move (or copy) files or folders from one Teams channel to another?
Moving and copying files and folders to another Channel, or even a Channel in another Team, in Teams is possible. This is especially useful if you need to, for example, move confidential data to a channel that only certain Team members have access to.
Here is an example below:
1. Navigate to the Teams channel containing the folder(s) or file(s) you wish to move or copy.

2. Next, hover your mouse over a file or folder. Click in the circle that appears to the left of the item to move. You may select multiple.

3. Next, browse for the team and subsequent channel you would like to place the data. If moving to the same Team, different channel, choose the Team accordingly. If you do not see the Team or channel on the left side, select More places at the bottom and browse accordingly.

4. Once you find the Team location, click the In site Library menu at the top to choose the channel in which you want to place the data.

Click Move here (Or Copy here) when you are ready to move the item(s).

5. After starting the move (or copy) process, allow for the process to complete before browsing elsewhere or closing Teams. It is important to see this confirmation message for the item(s) in which you moved (or copied). Browsing elsewhere or closing Teams may cause the move (or copy) to fail.

If you have any questions or need consultation, please reach out to YSU IT Training Services or email