Sharing Documents from your Team Files


Learn how to share documents from your department's team files.



Can members share documents hosted in a Microsoft team?


Members can share documents hosted in their Microsoft team using the share icon.


Table of Contents

Sharing Documents

Sharing Documents with Individuals Outside of YSU


Sharing Documents

To share documents hosted in your Microsoft Team:

  1. Navigate to your Microsoft Team (using the Teams desktop app or using Teams online).

Note: The screen shots in this instructional guide was taken using the Microsoft Teams desktop app.


  1. Navigate to your Team's files.

Microsoft Teams team ribbon with the Files tab highlighted


  1. Select the share icon next to the document you want to share. A small pop-up window will appear. 

Document library in Microsoft Teams with the share icon fora document highlighted


  1. Select People in Youngstown State University with the link can view > to configure share options.

Share pop-up window with the "People in Youngstown State University with the link can view" link highlighted


  1. Select who can view the link.
  • People in Youngstown State University is the default choice. This includes users with an or email account.
  • People with existing access  includes members of your Team that have access to the document due to membership and people who have been granted access to the document by yourself or another Team member.
  • People you choose includes people inside or outside of Youngstown State University. 

Sharing settings window


  1. Configure the type of access you want to grant for the document.
    • Can view will allows recipients to view the document but commit no modifications. Block download can be activated to prevent users from downloading the document on their device.
    • Can review allows recipients to suggest edits via comments but prevents them from committing any edits.
    • Can edit allows recipients to download and edit shared documents.

share pop-up window permission sharing section with the drop down arrow highlighted


  1. Select Apply.


  1. Share the document via email or copy the link.
    • To share via email:
    1. Enter the people you wish to share the document with. Users inside the YSU organization can be found using their name or email. To share with individuals outside of YSU, enter the person's full email address into the To: field. For more instructions on how to share team files with non-YSU emails, refer to Sharing Documents with Individuals Outside of YSU.

Share pop-up window wit the To: field highlighted


  1. Optional: Write a short message in the Message field.


  1. Select Send. (This will send an email from your account to the recipient with the document sharing information and any entered message.)

Share pop-up window with the Send button highlighted


  • To share via link:
  1. Select Copy.

Share pop-up window with the copy button highlighted


  1. Paste the link where you wish.


  1. Select X to close the pop-up window.


Sharing Documents with Individuals Outside of YSU

Members of a team can share team files with individuals outside of the YSU organization. To do so:

  1. Navigate to your Microsoft Team (using the Teams desktop app or using Teams online).


  1. Navigate to your Team's files.


  1. Select the share icon next to the document you want to share. A small pop-up window will appear. 

Document library in Microsoft Teams with the share icon fora document highlighted


  1. Select People in Youngstown State University with the link can view > to configure share options.

Share pop-up window with the "People in Youngstown State University with the link can view" link highlighted


  1. In the Share the link with section and select People you choose

Share setting pop up window with the "People you choose" option highlighted


  1. Configure the type of access you want to grant for the document.
    • Can view will allows recipients to view the document but commit no modifications. Block download can be activated to prevent users from downloading the document on their device.
    • Can review allows recipients to suggest edits via comments but prevents them from committing any edits.
    • Can edit allows recipients to download and edit shared documents.

share pop-up window permission sharing section with the drop down arrow highlighted


  1. Select Apply.


  1. Share the document via email or copy the link.
    • To share via email:
    1. Enter the email of the individual you wish to share the document with. 

document sharing pop-up window with a non-ysu email entered into the to: field

Note: A message will appear alerting that the individual is outside of your organization. If the message is shown in a gray box, proceed. If the message is in a red box, restart the sharing process, ensuring to configure the sharing options in Step 6.


  1. Optional: Write a short message in the Message field.


  1. Select Send. (This will send an email from your account to the recipient with the document sharing information and any entered message.)

document sharing pop-up window with the send button highlghted


  • To share via link:
    1. Select Copy.

Share pop-up window with the copy button highlighted


  1. Paste the link where you wish.


  1. Select X to close the pop-up window.



Article ID: 155225
Mon 4/24/23 3:49 PM
Tue 4/30/24 10:47 AM