Blackboard: Blackboard Ultra and Learn (Original) Interface Differences


Article that shows the differences between the interface of Blackboard Learn (Original) and Blackboard Ultra.



How can I tell if my course is using Blackboard Ultra or Blackboard Learn (Original)?


YSU is undergoing a project that is transitioning learning from Blackboard Learn (Original) to Blackboard Ultra. The result will be a cleaner, more modern, student-friendly learning interface. During your student career, you may have some courses using Blackboard Learn (Original) and some using the new Blackboard Ultra. As time goes on, more and more courses will shift to the new Blackboard Ultra.

There are some cosmetic and navigational differences between the two versions of Blackboard. The biggest indicator is where the navigation menu of the course is located. In Blackboard Ultra, the navigation menu is located at the top and is presented in a more modular form. In Blackboard Learn (Original), the navigation menu is on the left side. Inside of the course, you will find a layout containing content folders and items.

Below are example images of each system:

Blackboard Ultra

Blackboard Ultra Course Example

Blackboard Learn (Original)

Blackboard Learn (Original) Example

Note: The structure and layout of your courses will vary from the images above. 

To assist students in learning the navigation and practicing competencies, such as submitting assignments or taking exams in the Blackboard Ultra environment, a practice course has been implemented. This practice course is available to all YSU students who want to practice using Blackboard without any effect on their grade. If you are interested, please sign up for the course at this link: Blackboard Ultra Practice Course Sign-up.



Article ID: 153902
Wed 2/22/23 2:50 PM
Fri 4/28/23 9:59 AM