How can employees submit leave reports?
Employees can navigate to the Banner 9 Employee Profile to enter leave reports found in Self Service Banner under the Employee tab.
Submit Leave Report
Modify Leave Report
Delete Leave Report Entry
Instructional Video
1. Navigate to the Employee Profile Dashboard.
2. In the My Activities section, click Enter Leave Report.
3. Click Start Leave Report for the appropriate time period.
4. Select the desired date & choose an Earn code.
**An Earn code is equivalent to the type of leave (i.e. vacation, sick, personal, FMLA, etc.)**
**To check the balance available for each leave type, click Leave Balances.**
5. Input the number of hours being requested.
6. Click Save.
7. Add Earn codes & hours for desired days in the time period. Click Save for each date.
8. Once all leave request entries have been entered or if no leave has been taken, click Preview.
9. Review the leave request summary. Add any needed comments.
10. Check the box certifying this request. Click Submit.
1. Click Recall Leave Report.
2. Select the day & Earn code to modify.
3. Click the pencil on the current entry to edit.
4. Edit the requested hours. Click Save.
1. Select the day & Earn code entry to delete.
2. Click the ⊖ icon in the current entry to delete.
3. Click Yes. Click Save.
*For more information about time and leave report status, review Banner 9 Time & Leave Report Status Overview.